Henry Unite

What's in My RC 2021

Welcome to a tour of my .zshrc file! I thought it would be fun to take a dive into the different tools I use to elevate my developer game.

If you want to see my whole config, I keep all my setup files on GitHub: https://github.com/unitehenry/config

Tools I Use

Before we dive into my configuration, here are the tools I use that help me speed up my tasks as a developer:

fzf | Fuzzy File Finder

pandoc | Pandoc Document Converter

brew | MacOS Package Manager

The Variables

export EDITOR="vi";
export VISUAL="vi";

# iCloud Directory
export DOCS="/Users/henryunite/Library/Mobile Documents/com~apple~CloudDocs";

# Work Directory
export WORK="/Users/henryunite/Projects/bicycletransit";

Pretty straightforward, but these are what I use to:


# Credentials Fetcher
function username() {
  export PASS_BACK_PATH=$(pwd);
  cd $DOCS/passwords;
  echo $(decrypt-file $(fzf) | grep "Username:" | cut -d ":" -f2) | pbcopy;

function password() {
  export PASS_BACK_PATH=$(pwd);
  cd $DOCS/passwords;
  echo $(decrypt-file $(fzf) | grep "Password:" | cut -d ":" -f2) | pbcopy;

There are so many chrome extensions, keychains, any ways to access your passwords. I personally encrypt my passwords in my cloud storage so I can access them by utilizing a aes-256-cbc decryption tool.

File Formatting

## Code Formatter
function format-file() {
  export FILENAME="$(basename $@)";
  export EXTENSION="${FILENAME##*.}";

  if [ $EXTENSION = 'py' ]
    yapf --in-place $@;
    return 0;

  if [ $EXTENSION = 'php' ]
    php-cs-fixer fix $@;
    rm .php_cs.cache;
    return 0;

  npx prettier --write --single-quote $@;

  unset FILENAME; unset EXTENSION;

File formatter that handles the languages I use on a day-to-day basis. It gets the job done for most file types including JSON, YAML, and even markdown.

Spell Check

## Spellcheck
function spellcheck-file() {
  npx spellchecker-cli --files $@;

When you’re writing as much markdown documentation as me, you’ll want an easy way to spell check your files.

What the Commit

## What the Commit
function wtf() { git commit -am "$(curl http://whatthecommit.com/index.txt)"; }

This is a gimmick, but if you ever just want to commit file changes and you just don’t know what to say in the commit message, what the commit is just a fun resource to get whacky commit messages.

Cheat Sheet

## Cheat
function cheat(){ curl https://cheat.sh/"$@"; }

There are so many times I use a CLI tool and can’t remember simple commands and options that it takes to perform certain tasks. Check out cheat.sh if you’re looking for an easy way to reference different CLI tools.

Document Generation

## Generate Markdown
function generate-doc() { 
  cp -rf . /tmp;
  if [ -n "$2" ]
    pandoc -s $1 -c $2 -o "/tmp/$1.html";
    pandoc -s $1 -o "/tmp/$1.html"; 
  open "/tmp/$1.html";

## Generate Slide
function generate-slide() {
  # https://revealjs.com/config/
  pandoc -t revealjs \
    -V progress="false" \
    -V navigationMode="linear" \
    -V transition="none" \
    -s $1 -o "/tmp/$1.html";
  cp -rf . /tmp;
  open "/tmp/$1.html";

I use markdown to write documentation all the time, but if I need to send a coworker a document or present a slide with content that is written in markdown, I’ll use pandoc to generate these intermediary file formats.

It’s really nice to leverage CSS when I want to make my documents look nice or need a clean way to look at markdown files.

File Encryption

## Encrypt : aes-256-cbc
function encrypt-file() {
  if [ -z $@ ]
    echo -n "Enter Encrypt Phrase: "; read -s ENCRYPTINPUT; echo "\n";
    echo $ENCRYPTINPUT | openssl enc -aes-256-cbc;
    openssl enc -aes-256-cbc -in $@;

## Decrypt : aes-256-cbc
function decrypt-file() {
  if [ -z $@ ]
    openssl enc -d -aes-256-cbc;
    openssl enc -aes-256-cbc -d -in $@;

It’s nice to have a quick way to encrypt and decrypt files with sensitive information.


## Homebrew Install Script
function install-homebrew() { /bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/install/HEAD/install.sh)"; }

This is just in my configuration in the event that I just want to install homebrew without copying and pasting the install script from the website.

If I have a new Mac I need to setup, it’ll make the setup so much easier.

Version Managers

source ~/.nvmrc;
source ~/.rvmrc;

I’ve been using nvm and rvm to manage my node and ruby installations. They append rc scripts to load into your base rc file which I extract into their own designated files and load them in at the end.